“Open Academy”
From the beginning of my term as Director General of the Inter-American Academy of Human Rights, I understood that transparency is a fundamental commitment that every public institution must have with society and, beyond the obligations that correspond to me by Law, I designed and implemented a guarantee of maximum publicity called “Academia Abierta (Open Academy)”. The “Open Academy” is the guarantee of the maximum publicity of the activities of this Legal Research Institute and that goes beyond the obligations provided for in the legislation to ensure better transparency and accountability.
The IDH Academy, like any other university entity, makes its public information available to people on the sites that the Autonomous University of Coahuila officially allocates for all its schools and academic centers; however, the IDH Academy, in a proactive exercise of transparency policy "Open Academy", offers this portal so that citizens can learn more about the administrative, academic activities and, in general, the budget management carried out by the Academy. HDI. We trust that maximum transparency favors more just, equal and fraternal societies.
This idea of "Open Academy" means a proactive policy of maximum publicity that goes beyond the obligations provided for in the legislation. Not only so that citizens know how every peso of the public resources that society entrusts us is invested and, therefore, have the opportunity to carry out greater public scrutiny, but also so that those of us who manage a public task within the university we have the opportunity to disseminate official sources where anyone, with a single click, can obtain as much information as possible about our management for greater accountability.
Citizens who want to know basic questions about how much the general director earns or how much she spends on work allowances, or what the resource destined for the academy is spent on, without having to go to the general portal of our university, can browse the ours to know, item by item, all the information required by the transparency law and much more. Moreover, you can have information to evaluate our function and if you are also interested in collaborating and participating in the decision-making of our institution. In the event that the information is not sufficient, it is possible to make a request for access to more information at the following link: http://www.transparencia.uadec.mx/ , or you can also request a public hearing from the General Directorate to clarify, present or deliver all the public information requested through the following link: https://www.academiaidh.org.mx/solicitud-de-audiencia-pública
If someone browses this portal, they can easily see the large amount of resources that are invested in scholarships so that students can continue and study a quality postgraduate program in the field of human rights; You will also be able to see that the quality of the teaching staff, national and international, that teaches in the 7 specialties and 2 master's degrees that are taught in this institution; in addition to the resources that have been invested in the construction of a building that will serve as a venue for the promotion and teaching of human rights in our State. All this, in the end, is a heritage for the university community itself and for society.
Irene Spigno
General Director of the Inter-American Academy of Human Rights
Open data of the general management 2020-2024
○ Remuneración mensual por puesto de todos los servidores públicos por sueldo o por honorario
● Versión pública de percepciones y deducciones quincenal
○ Perfil de los puestos y el currículum de todos los servidores públicos
● Curriculum de todos los servidores públicos
● Versión Pública de los Títulos
● Profesorado con reconocimiento “Perfil Deseable” del PRODEP
○ La información a relativa al presupuesto asignado en lo general y por programa
○ El calendario de las sesiones o reuniones públicas a que se convoquen
● Entrevistas de la Directora General
● Entrevistas Investigadores AIDH
● Solicitud de audiencia pública a la Directora General
○ El número, tipo y los resultados de las auditorías practicadas y concluidas al ejercicio presupuestal
○ Los planes y programas de estudio según el sistema que se ofrecen, ya sea escolarizado o abierto
○ Otra información