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The AIDH Specialties are postgraduate programs for which a Specialist Diploma is awarded by the Autonomous University of Coahuila and a Professional Certificate by the Ministry of Public Education.

Each specialty consists of:





Género y Derechos Humanos

M Ó D U L O S :

1. Teoría de Género.

2. Marco Jurídico – Conceptual.

3. La impartición de Justicia con Perspectiva de


4. Feminismo y Derechos de las Mujeres.

5. Derechos de la Comunidad LGBTTTIQ.

6. Legislación, Normativa Perspectiva de Género.

7. Género y Derecho Penal.

8. Género y Derecho Familiar.

9. Género, Derecho Laboral y Seguridad Social.

10. Género y Derecho Electoral.

Derecho a la Búsqueda de las Personas Desaparecidas

M Ó D U L O S :

1. Introducción al derecho a la búsqueda de las víctimas de desaparición.

2. El proceso de búsqueda de las víctimas de desaparición.

3. Estándares internacionales y nacionales para la búsqueda de las personas desaparecidas.

4. Aplicación del enfoque diferencial e interseccional en la garantía del derecho a la búsqueda de las víctimas de desaparición.

5. La búsqueda de las personas desaparecidas en México.

6. Tipología de las personas desaparecidas en México

7. Procesos de localización de las personas desaparecidas.

8. Introducción a la identificación humana forense.

9. Identificación Humana desde el enfoque multidisciplinario de las ciencias forenses.

10. Restitución de los restos con respeto a la dignidad humana de las víctimas.


Derecho Administrativo

M Ó D U L O S :

1. Fundamentos del Derecho Administrativo.

2. Acto, procedimiento y recursos administrativos.

3. Teoría de la actividad administrativa.

4. Teoría de la organización administrativa.

5. Régimen jurídico de las entidades federativas.

6. La buena Administración Pública y los derechos humanos.

7. Contratación administrativa.

8. Defensa de los usuarios y consumidores.

9. Derecho Procesal Administrativo.

10. Responsabilidad de servidores públicos.

11. Estancia.

Right to Information, Supervision and Fight against Corruption


1. Governance and New Public Management.

2. Applied Government Openness.

3. Elements of Public Integrity.

4. Strategic and Quality Public Management.

5. Elements of the Right to Information.

6. Applied Government Oversight.

7. Policies and Programs to Combat


8. Personal Data in Public Management.

9. Elements of Transitional Justice.

10. Accountability Policies and Programs.

Legislate with a Human Rights Perspective


1. Theory of human rights.

2. The parliamentary system.

3. Legislative technique.

4. Right to open parliament.

5. Vulnerable groups I.

6. Vulnerable groups II.

7. Environment regulations.

8. UN Sustainable Development Goals.

9. Local legislative challenges.

10. International and comparative law.

Political Rights with an International and Comparative Perspective


1. Theory of Democracy I.

2. Theory of Democracy II.

3. Theory of Political Rights.

4. Theory of Comparative Electoral Systems.

5. Electoral Justice Theory.

6. Cases of the Inter-American Electoral Jurisprudence.

7. Cases of the European Electoral Jurisprudence.

8. Cases of the Mexican Electoral Jurisprudence I.

9. Cases of the Mexican Electoral Jurisprudence II.

10. Electoral Case Studies with Perspective


Rights of Migrants and Refugees


1. Anthropological and historical approach to human mobility 

2. Human mobility and human rights 

3. Legal Framework for the Protection of Migrants and Refugees

4. Migrant and refugee women, children and adolescents 

5. Human mobility and other vulnerable groups

6. International Legal Framework regarding
migrant workers

7. Public Migration Policies with a focus on Human Rights 

8. Economic, Social, Cultural and
Environmental of migrants and refugees

9. Relevant topics of human mobility 

10. Interdisciplinary workshop on case studies of
migration and refugee policies

Rights of Defenders
Human Rights and Journalists


1. Theory of Human Rights

2. Universal Rights Protection System Humans

3. Inter-American System for the Protection of

  Human rights

4. Other Regional Systems for the Protection of Human rights 

5. National System for the Protection of HumanRights I

6. National System for the Protection of Rights Human II

7. Comparative Experiences of Protection of

Human rights

8. Exercise of Journalism and Defense of Rights Humans in Mexico

9. Practical Case Studies in the Protection of Journalists' Rights

10. Practical Case Studies in the Protection of Rights of Human Rights Defenders

-Professional application stay

Rights and Guarantees of the Victims of Disappearance


1. History of the Disappearance of Persons.

2. The Disappearance of Persons in Mexico.

3. The Disappearance of Persons in Latin America.

4. International Instruments for the Protection of the Rights of the Victims of Disappearance.

5. National Regulations Regarding

  Disappearance of People.

6. Life and Personal Liberty.

7. Investigation of the Crime of Disappearance of


8. Protocols for the Search and Location of

   Missing people.

9. The ESCER of the Victims of Disappearance.

10. Reparation Measures for Victims of

   Disappearance of People.

Inter-American Academy of Human Rights

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