Karla Victoria Gonzalez Briones
Current Professional Activity
Research Assistant at the Center for Civil and Political Rights Inter-American Academy of Human Rights.
Academic training
Teacher in the Master's program in Human Rights with International and Comparative Perspective of the Inter-American Academy of Human Rights
Specialist in Right to information, control and fight against corruption.
Law Degree from the Faculty of Jurisprudence of the Autonomous University of Coahuila
Main Publications
newspaper columns
González Briones, Karla Victoria (2020): “Elections and the right to health: ESCER versus civil and political rights”
González Briones, Karla Victoria (2020): “#Me Too, a symptom and not a disease”
González Briones, Karla Victoria (2020): “From individual thinking to the construction of a democracy”
September-December 2019, Vizcaya de las Américas University, Saltillo (Mexico): taught the Alternative Means for Dispute Resolution class.
May-August 2019, Vizcaya University of the Americas, Saltillo (Mexico): taught the Human Rights class.
January-May 2019, Universidad Carolina, Saltillo (Mexico): Substitute for the Administrative Law class.
January-April 2019, Vizcaya de las Américas University, Saltillo (Mexico): taught the Administrative Law class.
Research Projects
From September 2020 to September 2021: “Context analysis in the search for disappeared persons in the State of Coahuila”. Project presented for the Foncyt 2020-14 call.
From January 2020 to November 2020: “Observation of the electoral process. Parity and gender violence Coahuila 2020”. Project presented for the call "Conacyt-INMUJERES: Gender parity: evolution, achievements and challenges".
August 2020: “Seed project: Open Justice”. Project presented for the call "Seed Research Projects-UADEC 2020".
From September 2019 to December 2020: Online specialty “Political rights with an international and comparative perspective”.
May 2019: “Democratic Monitor” project.
May 2019: Book Edition Project.
Congresses, Conferences and Seminars
Saltillo, Coahuila (Mexico), September 8 and 9, 2020, participates as a speaker in the "VIII Congress of the Network of Gender Studies of Northern Mexico. The north in perspective: gender, development, democracy and violence” with the paper entitled “Challenges of gender parity”
Saltillo, Coahuila (Mexico), July 8, 2020, participates in the INTRA forum, with the presentation entitled "Gender violence and mental health".
Saltillo, Coahuila (Mexico), June 26, 2020, participates in the Conversation Defend Venezuela, with the presentation entitled "Political Rights of Latin American women in the midst of COVID-19".